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Performance Award 2005 goes to Birner Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Kümmersbruck
Requirements met constantly and reliably

Deutsche Version

The presentation speech
Effective project and process management, coupled with outstanding provision of technology and equipment to the customer, both under normal conditions and in cases of emergency: these are the sort of expressions that appeared in the English eulogy when the Performance Award 2005 was presented to Birner Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Kümmersbruck. In terms of its pricing policy, the company is competitive throughout the whole of Europe. Siemens Automotive VDO presented the prize to ten suppliers worldwide which the company considers to be of strategic importance.

Munich/Kümmersbruck: Birner Kunststofftechnik GmbH has been able to notch up a pioneering success. At Siemens VDO’s Suppliers Day in 2006, the Kümmersbruck company was presented with the Performance Award 2005. 65 suppliers from all over the world participated in the event, held at the Munich Arabella Sheraton on 12 January, ten of whom had the honour of receiving the prize.

In order to work out who the winners are, Siemens VDO makes use of an ingenious evaluation system. Of all the qualities that contribute to the overall impression a company makes, aka its performance, competition takes pride of place for Siemens VDO. Every company must meet the requirements as to quality, pricing policy and customer orientation. Considering how globalization has increased, a high degree of flexibility and mobility is especially important in the sort of service a company offers its customers.

The winners are chosen on the basis of data that is also gleaned from an annual suppliers competition in which the four areas of purchasing, quality, logistics and technology are documented and evaluated, not just for one particular period but taken as a whole over the business year. Especial importance is attached to the fields of quality and logistics. Birner Kunststofftechnik GmbH met the requirements constantly and reliably: achieving 94 out of a possible 100 points, the company’s score was excellent. As for the audits, the quality criteria as set up by the automobile industry, Birner likewise got 95 %.

Sandra Roberts carries out a visual check of transparent covers.

Prize presented by Siemens VDO
Excellent record of success

Birner Kunststofftechnik GmbH 40 years old
Increasingly wide range of products

Key accounter Christian Holzwarth:
Recognition for successfully establishing a working relationship

Visiting the production shopfloor
Manual work in abundance